About the Owner
On Path Events grew out of a network of friends and respected colleagues around the USA, who come together over a desire to provide creative solutions and focused service on customer needs.
Josh of On Path Events has been a road warrior and experimentician around the events industry since 2006. Now he's settling down to focus on special projects in his new home outside Denver and help out a few friends old or new around the country.
His favorite work phrases are either "Where else would I be on a Saturday morning?" or "Fun in the way that events are fun..." When he's not making fast calculations on race site, he's making fast calculations running the trails of Colorado, over the chess board, or with his secret questionably useful superpower as a world-class speed typist (if only paper registration forms had stayed around a couple more years...)
He's not an expert in any one big area, but he's been around the industry and loves finding cool projects and great people to work with. Some of his favorite professional experiences in rough reverse chronological order include:
- After many years in the shadows, Holding his first official RD title at the Navy 10 Miler in Nov '21, on base in Fort Worth, TX.
- Supporting PPU and Timing for the once-in-a-lifetime Tunnel to Viaduct Run (29,000 people in Seattle, Feb '19). Finally getting good on the fork and the scissor starting at BolderBoulder and throughout the year. Leading the promo team at the San Francisco Marathon. Getting back into multi-day jobs after years of hopping on and off sites 100 times a year.
- Managing Photo/Promo Ops for Pic2Go and EnMotive at the Milwaukee Marathon, Baltimore Marathon, Twin Cities Marathon (Oct '18) and Hot Chocolate Chicago (Nov '19) - Madness!
- "Grad School" - two years in Event Services at George P Johnson. Fortune 500 Auto and Trade show activation budgets and ops support on some of the largest conferences in the country. A brief step out of our wonderful little pond into the big sea and the source of a wealth of ideas on how to improve the endurance industry.
- Managing chunks of hundreds of races in Upstate NY for YellowJacket Racing and RaceWire ('13-'15)
- Taking over and single-handedly producing the Rochester Indie Fest ('09 assist, '10, '11, '13 alone) - 60-80 of the coolest, never-seen-before-or-again performances in Upstate NY. All grassroots, All low cost and profit-free 🙂
- Site manager for 7 years on a 10,000 person street festival that had the joy of setting up on live city streets..
- And where it all began, as sociology/community growth major, music minor - co-founding the student music performance and networking group "No Jackets Required" at the University of Rochester. Top-Level Classical musicians and dorm-room guitarists come together to put on 10-20 piece live performances of classic albums and songs. "Magical Mystery Tour", "Tommy", "The Chronic"... yep.
And yes, as a Midwesterner he knows his company's acronym is "Ope".